Freak In The (Excel) Sheets - Dinner Plus Drinks #149

Hey all - we're a day late, thanks for your patience. The extra day did give us time to decide on this important programming announcement:
Next week's episode will be out around Tuesday, November 22nd. It's our 150th and we'll be celebrating the almost 3 years of podcasting, as well as the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday!
That's enough about the future, here's about what's happening on this week's episode:
- Check out the exciting news about the World's Tallest Glass Tree that's going to be build in Williams Bay, Wisconsin at the Yerkes Observatory!
- If you are interested in history, architecture, and long reads, this NY Times Magazine piece on Spain's Islamic history is great.
- Check out this awesome "Freak in the Sheets" Excel mug that would be an awesome Christmas gift for your local Excel nerd.
- If you're as jazzed about Baskin Robbins' Turkey Ice Cream Cake as Bridget, you can get more details right here.
Have a great week, thanks for listening, we'll talk to you soon as we celebrate 150 episodes!
Bridget & Nick