Dinner Plus Drinks Weekly Episodes Episodes

Jan. 23, 2022

Oreo Taste Off with Melissa Jordan - Dinner Plus Drinks #109

On this very special episode, we're joined by the one and only Melissa Jordan of B933 radio in Milwaukee! We didn't want to subject her to the horror of the Japanese Kit-Kat Taste Off, but we wanted to have a little food fun,...

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Jan. 16, 2022

At-home COVID Tests - Dinner Plus Drinks #108

Hi friends - two programming announcements: We're no longer going to put the video of each episode on YouTube - based on algorithm changes, we don't have enough people watching to make it worth the time it takes to get an epi...

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Jan. 9, 2022

New Year's Reso's - Dinner Plus Drinks #107

We're back! Did you miss us? Welcome to 2022 and our normally scheduled podcast. We started the year with something familiar - a moderately priced California Cab - and we hope you enjoy the return to routine as much as we did...

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Dec. 19, 2021

Christmas Mad Libs - Dinner Plus Drinks #104

We played some Mad Libs, talked about last minute Christmas gifts, and so much more on this week's episode. Here are links to what we talked about this week: Check out all of the great products Tattersall Distilling is making...

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Dec. 12, 2021

Textural Sensations - Dinner Plus Drinks #103

Bridget was in Seattle visiting a very special person and we recorded the episode remotely. Luckily, we were able to be joined by a very special guest for a fun game of Holiday trivia! Here's what we talked about on this week...

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Dec. 5, 2021

Sugar Plum Fairy Dust - Dinner Plus Drinks #102

Sugar Plum Fairy Dust - real Hallmark Christmas movie or fake title made up by Nick? On this episode of Dinner Plus Drinks, we are getting into the Fa La La spirit by quizzing Bridget on if she thinks titles and descriptions ...

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Nov. 28, 2021

Two Forty Speed - Dinner Plus Drinks #101

We're a little Thanksgiving and a little Christmas this week and Bridget is quizzing Nick on Christmas song lyrics! PS - that's where this week's episode title comes from. Do you know what song that's from? Thanks to everyone...

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Nov. 21, 2021

Episode One Hundred - Dinner Plus Drinks #100

We've officially made it to One Hundred Episodes of Dinner Plus Drinks! It's been quite the ride since we started on December 29th, 2019 and there have been huge changes in the world, our lives, and how we podcast. We appreci...

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Nov. 7, 2021

Brand Name Love - Dinner Plus Drinks #98

We are starting to get excited for the Holidays, loving fall, and talking about what brand names are totally worth spending a little extra for their products. We know, we're getting old, but it was an incredible Reddit thread...

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Oct. 31, 2021

Halloween 2021 - Dinner Plus Drinks #97

Happy Halloween! We talked true crime stories this week (learn allllll about why we love serial killers on this week's Amuse Bouche) and it was a lot of fun. We also had a few other Halloween related items and updates on the ...

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Oct. 24, 2021

Keep The Balloon Up - Dinner Plus Drinks #96

Did you know that "Keep The Balloon Up" (the game you play in your house as a kid) is a legit sport? Yep, Bridget discovered this week that keep the balloon up is indeed a sport, and it helped bring a little joy to an otherwi...

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Oct. 17, 2021

Just A Few Tangents - Dinner Plus Drinks #95

We popped bubbles to celebrate Simona's birthday and the launch of our new Wine 201 podcast! If you like our wine episodes, and would like to hear us interview incredible people in the world, go ahead and download our Wine 20...

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Oct. 3, 2021

It's Britney, Nick - Dinner Plus Drinks #93

Bridget came up with a genius segment and quizzed Nick on Britney Spears songs. You're going to want to make sure you listen to hear how much Nick knows about Britney Spears, as well as singing from both Bridget and Nick. Con...

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Sept. 26, 2021

Live From The Candle Mercantile - Dinner Plus Drinks #92

It was a beautiful fall day, so we decided to hit the road and record live from the patio at The Candle Mercantile in downtown Lake Geneva. Remember when you were in school and it was a nice day outside, so your teacher has c...

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Sept. 19, 2021

Happy Birthday, Bridget! - Dinner Plus Drinks #91

It's Bridget's (and Shannon's) Birthday!!! We had to celebrate and have a little bit of fun. We hope you enjoy our celebration of Bridget on this week's episode. Here are links to what we talked about: Kenyan engineer Nzambi ...

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